Sistem CRM Sangat Penting untuk Dealer Anda

Sistem CRM Sangat Penting untuk Dealer Anda

Sistem CRM Sangat Penting untuk Dealer Anda Sistem CRM Sangat Penting untuk Dealer Anda Dalam Mengubah Pelanggan Menjadi Pembeli, Sistem CRM Memungkinkan Anda mengelola dan melacak semua interaksi perusahaan Anda dengan pelanggan saat ini dan calon pelanggan. Apakah...
What Is CRM? Breaking Five Auto Industry Myths

What Is CRM? Breaking Five Auto Industry Myths

What Is CRM? Breaking Five Auto Industry Myths CRM in the automotive industry is still largely misunderstood. Perhaps it’s because the term CRM is used loosely to describe any tool that does anything that relates to a customer or prospect or perhaps we simply just...